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Scottsdale Pain Management Specialist Discusses How People Can Help Family Members with Chronic Pain

Scottsdale Pain Management Specialist Dr. Sham Vengurlekar knows that dealing with a family member who suffers from chronic pain can be challenging. Oftentimes, caretakers feel like they are helpless to assist their loved ones in having a better quality of life. In order to help these individuals, Dr. Vengurlekar is sharing these top tips.

1. Help them to eat well.
One of the best things that an individual can do for themselves when they suffer from chronic pain is to eat right. A diet full of anti-inflammatory foods like fruits and vegetables can help them to deal with their pain from an inner level. In addition, chronic pain sufferers may oftentimes feel too weak to cook for themselves, so helping them with this can really make a difference in their lives.

2. Don’t judge.
When dealing with chronic pain, patients oftentimes feel alone and shut off from the world. As a caretaker, it is important to keep an open mind and help your loved one cope with the pain as best as possible. Listen to them, hold them if they cry and give them words of encouragement! Let them know that telling you their feelings is not a burden to you, and in fact, can help them feel better!