Anyone who has chronic back pain knows what a blessing long term pain relief would be and that is exactly what Dr. Vengurlekar has delivered for me. 6 years ago Dr V performed a minimally invasive procedure (an ablation) to relief my chronic back pain. Almost immediately, my lower back pain disappeared. Only twice over the last 6 years have I felt that pain attempting to reappear. Each time I returned to Dr. V, and each time he performed a minimally invasive procedure (facet injection) which happily proved sufficient to restore my pain free status. Given my previous history of chronic back pain, needing to have only 2 minimally invasive interventions over the past 6 years to remain pain free has, indeed, been a blessing.
Recently, a new (different) issue with my back has arisen, and I again have returned to Dr V for treatment. His minimally invasive treatments have clearly worked for me over the last 6 years and, importantly. obviated any need to consider surgical interventions. I strongly recommend you consider Dr. V and his minimally invasive procedures for your pain management needs.
Recently, a new (different) issue with my back has arisen, and I again have returned to Dr V for treatment. His minimally invasive treatments have clearly worked for me over the last 6 years and, importantly. obviated any need to consider surgical interventions. I strongly recommend you consider Dr. V and his minimally invasive procedures for your pain management needs.